Liste des produits

Plastic Dog House

Plastic Dog House

  • [Ponte] Production of plastic pots, flowerpots, garden ornaments, kennel and dog houses. Includes information about company, products, production systems, as well as catalog and contacts.
  •  Duplex personnalisée et de cèdre chien maisons.
  •  Offrez différents lits pour chiens, les maisons de chien et caisses de chien.
  •  Offres lits pour chiens, les caisses, les maisons et autres accessoires de meubles de chien.
  • Supplying toboggans, racing and kick sleds in plastic, metal alloy and ash, as well as accessories and used equipment.
  • Dog doors and heat mats.
  • Provide in-house interactive training for the plastics industry .
  • Offers advice on how to train and entertain house dogs. Also includes articles, information on behaviour, breeding, getting a dog, shops and stories.
  • Offers environmentally friendly plastic bag used to clean up dogs poop.
  • Topics include manners, behaviour, house training, aggression and specific training problems.
  •  Inclut des informations sur la formation de la maison, la formation de caisse, cambriolage chiens plus âgés, le comportement du chien, et les soins de chiot.
  •  Offres laiton personnalisé, l'acier et étiquettes en plastique, et brodées colliers et laisses.
  • Collection of color coordinated products for long-haired show pets. Bows with pearl, gold or cubic zirconia and matching show leads, latex and wrapping bands, and paper and plastic wraps.
  • A pet waste removal tool invented by a 10 year old. Features a telescoping handle and uses free plastic grocery bags.
  • Provides extrusions of all rubber and plastic materials. With in-house design, tooling and manufacturing divisions.
  • Manufactures custom acrylic products for retail and wholesale. In house screen printing, wood fixturing, prototypes and extruded parts.
  • Advice and instructions cover house training, commands, leash work, behaviour and tricks.
  • Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Meet the team, about the sport with videos, and NC House League information.
  • Pictures of Brandi, web rings, and animal rights banners.
  • Features photos of dogs, with royalty titles. Includes FAQ and news links.
  • Portable Dog Cot

    Folding Dog Cot

    En dehors de plastique PET Kennel

    L'extérieur de chenil en plastique pour animaux de compagnie a fenêtres en plastique de maille de chaque côté et à l'arrière, ce qui procure une bonne ventilation. Il est extrêmement durable et de haute qualité.

    Plastic Dog House